My Candidature To The Second Inspector General Election, October 2020
Hello WAX community,
I want to present my candidature to the second Inspector General Election which is taking place in the upcoming days.
Some of you know me but for those who don’t, my name is Javier Mendonça and I have been involved with the WAX and EOS community since their inception and in the cryptocurrency space as a whole since 2014.
With a background in engineering and 10 years of experience as a software developer, I have successfully led design, research and mobile development efforts at several companies across multiple industries in Sweden, and even collaborated with block producers such as EOS Sw/eden in the past.
My experience helps me understand the value of blockchain, the challenges WAX Guilds, users and developers face and what is required from a product and business development perspective for the WAX blockchain to grow, be resilient and be a success.
I am astonished of how fast the WAX ecosystem has grown during the last year, the successful NFT releases that we have seen, the partnerships that have been created and more recently, the new tokenomics announced by the WAX team.
Serving the community
I bring as much value to the community as I can, which comes in different forms. Recently, something the community has found value on is an Android app I released called Atomic Drops Notifier, which is a simple yet powerful tool that notifies you when new NFT drops are being released on Atomic Hub. You can get the app on Google Play and if you are interested in the code, you can check the repository on Github, it’s open-source!
I have other ideas to benefit both WAX users and guilds that I hope to make a reality in the future 🤩.
My Candidature
We have seen a healthy growth on the WAX blockchain and I believe WAX is getting ready for prime time. I see the NFT niche exploding in the upcoming years and therefore having a resilient network with high quality guilds is crucial.
As an independent member of the community and no affiliation with any team, my goal is to make impartial and transparent evaluations on the performance of active and standby WAX Guilds.
I have followed the OIG reports and have studied the framework to rate guilds on the WAX blockchain. I have ideas on how to move forward and I am committed to improve the existing framework further and how to automate certain processes that are being manually done today.
When the time comes, I expect to leave the the OIG framework in a better shape than I found it.
Get in touch
You can always find me on Twitter or on different WAX related channels on Telegram. You can read more about me on my website or LinkedIn.
I’d be honored to serve the Office of Inspector General for the next period!